Grant 13: Djonou
Grant information
Recipient community: Women's association in Djonou
Village: Djonou, Côte d'Ivoire
Number of community members reached: 35 women
Description: The women’s association in Djonou asked for US $1000 to buy agricultural equipment (a cassava grinder (not pictured), cassava presses, machettes, hand plows, watering cans and more). This helps the women in their work in the fields and enables them to process their cassava into Attiéke, a local dish similar to couscous, which can be sold at a higher market price. This will increase their earnings, allowing them to pay for school fees for their children, seek healthcare when ill, etc. (Updated Dec. 9, 2021)
Amount applied for: 592,000 CFA (~$1000)
Amount received (net of fees): 592,000 CFA (~$1000)
Date of transfer: Nov. 5, 2021
Arriving in Djonou.
Meeting with residents of the village.
Testing the new equipment.